Step 1:
First step is to make the document in Photoshop. File > New, use a size of 468 x 60 pixels.
Now fill the background with a nice orange gradient, the colors I used for my gradient were #e14d0f and #4d1805.

Step 2:
Next thing to do is create a new layer. Now using the Polygonal Lasso Tool, make a selection like mine in the left section of your document.

1. Start by making a new layer, now select the blue gradient layer by holding ctrl and clicking the layer’s thumbnail.
2. Using the Gradient Tool, drag a white gradient inside of your selection.
3. After making your gradient, nudge your selection down 30 pixels (hold shift and press the down arrow key three times) then press delete.
4. Change the layer mode for your shine layer to Soft Light, and lower the opacity to about 30-55%.

How about adding some nice details?
Start by using the pen tool to make a nice, smooth path in the background on the right. After you made a nice selection, do a little soft brushing inside then change the layer mode to Soft Light and lower the opacity if needed.

Write out your description text in the left section using the Horizontal Type Tool, write your text out in white (#FFFFFF.)

The font used above is called RockWell, you can find it for free on DaFont.
After writing out your text, apply the following layer styles:

Next thing to do is add in some thumbnails or something else on the right side, or you could use some descriptive text. I added in 3 thumbnails from tutorials from PhotoshopSpot, then applied this Inner Glow and this Stroke.

Lastly you’ll want to add in something that will attract the users’ eye, so I added in a little star badge with the text: “GO!”

Last thing you will want to do is add in the border, I guess it depends what sort of website it will be going on to choose the color. If it’s going on a black website, you should use white as the border, if it’s going on a white website, you should use a black border.