Here's the basic idea of Kachingle: Users contribute a small amount, currently $5.00 per month, voluntarily. On registration, they indicate which content sites they like and want to support. At the end of the month, their monthly fee is distributed to their sites, based on how much time they spent on each site.
Founder Cynthia Typaldos created the idea five years ago, but says it was too early. "Content providers weren't desperate enough," she says. They are now, but Kachingle isn't yet ready. It should launch in July. At the moment, some parts of the original product don't scale, Typaldos says.
Kachingle has had over 250 unsolicited inquires to use its service, of which 75 percent are from the U.S. and Canada, and 25 percent from the rest of the world, according to Typaldos. So far 80 percent of the queries are from bloggers and 20 percent from other content sites like newspapers, some of which have multiple sites and millions of users.